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Formula 1 Lotto System

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....And Now He’s Giving a LIMITED NUMBER Of People A Once In A

Lifetime Chance To Own The Most Respected Lotto System Ever

Developed Before He Takes It Off The Market….


From: Glen Hooke, IT Engineer


Subject: The Most Important Day Of Your Life

Dear Friend,

If you've always imagined what would be like to have the FORTUNE of WINNING THEULTIMATE LOTTO PRIZE...

... Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read.You're about to find out the amazing method I've used to WIN $425,576 in the last 10years...

Even better, I'll give you the perfect weapon to "rob" the lotteries vaults -- by usingthe secret formula of an MIT professor.

But before I get to that, let me just share with you some of the wonderful results that our"students" have been having from using our "weapon": I have a confession to make ...

I had an obsession with winning big at lotto.

I tried hundreds of methods hoping that maybe... just maybe... it will happen for me:

- lucky numbers from every member of my family...

- lines and diagonals that looked good on paper...

- putting all the numbers on small pieces of paper and extracting them from a hat.

- birthday dates for all my family members

- trying to "dream" numbers at night so I could envision the lucky ticket...

and that was only the beginning...

Needless to say, every time I was watching on TV the actual draw of the numbers ... allmy hopes were smashed down... with every single number.

So 11 years ago, after throwing over $28,000 down the toilet, I almost decided to stopplaying lotto once and for all....Luckily, I met Professor R, a Math Statistics Genius fromthe prestigious MIT University..... and my whole worldchanged...The way it happened was freakish really.

We were sitting next to each other at a bar one night.The TV was on in the bar, and the lotto draw came on.

I pulled out my lotto tickets as usual and started tocheck off my numbers as they were drawn.At the same time I noticed this guy sitting near me pull out a note book, and his lottotickets and he started checking of his numbers as well.

As usual, when the draw was over, I was unhappy because I got just one number. Butwhen I glanced across at this other guy, he has this big grin on his face. Now I justcouldn't resist asking him what he'd won (because I knew he'd won something)

I was stunned when he told me that he'd hit 5 numbers out of 6 in one game, and I askedhim how much he won...

To my shock he said he hadn't actually 'played' those numbers in a real game. In fact hesaid he was just monitoring the numbers as a hobby.Can you believe it!

Anyway, I started asking questions, and an hour later, I had found out that he was a wellrespected Professor at a nearby University and that the he has discovered a formula forchoosing lotto numbers that will win 8 out of 10 times (!!!)...

I was stunned (and very skeptical) at the same time, because I just didn't believe it was possible.After twisting his arm, and practically begging him for countless weeks after that meeting,he agreed to let me independently "field-test" his formula and real life.

To make a long story short, I used my IT expertise to develop a unique step-by-stepsoftware using the professors exact methods and formulas that he had compiledover the last 27 years of analyzing more that 150 lotto games from just about everycountry in the world..

Now, programming 27 years worth of lotto numbers data and designing complexnumerical algorithms, took 3 programmers 17 months to complete, and when it wasdone, the professor agreed to allow my software to be shared with a randomly selectedgroup of other people, just to see what the results would be.....

That was over 10 years ago.

Since then, the results of the professors systems and formulas which have been built intothis powerful software are regularly and consistently delivering, results (and cash in thepockets) of the system users.

The results you see below are from just a few users of this powerful software. Andthey need no more comments...I don't want to get into too many detailsabout how powerful this software is...

All that is really important to you are

these facts

1) It Works.The formulas used to makethe software were discovered by ProfessorR., the MIT statistical genius... It'sgenuine...and it's taken more than 27years to perfect!

-- Moreover, you've seen the kind ofsuccess stories it generated for me and forother people, all over the world. --2) You Can Use It For The Lotto Game In YOUR Country.

In fact, it works for more than 300 of the major lottery game world-wide....All the 5 ball games 6 ball games, (these are the games with the best winning oddsand most prize money to be won) - You can even play 7 ball games (although theseare really tough to win because the win percentages are astronomical).

(By the way I highly recommend you forget about playing 3 and 4 ball games. They are a totalwaste of your money with regard to winning % odds)

3) You WILL Know How To Use The Software.

There are only 2 requirements:

1.You need to know basic English. Check!

2.You need to know how to point and click with your mouse. Check!

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Formula 1 Lotto System

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